The red team returns from their first elimination, one person down. With Aisha voted off, and the red team still recovering from Del’s sudden exit from the competition, their morale continues to fade. Still, Kristy is proud of her team’s weight loss at the weigh-in. She reminds the team that this is only the first week of the competition and that there will eventually be a plateau in the blue team’s weight loss, with less dramatic results. She encourages them to continue working hard and to not lose focus, with the assurance that there will eventually be more positive results.

Meanwhile, back at the Blue camp, the winning team plays a prank on Dave. Dave arrives at the gym only to realise that the Blue team is one man short. Tony tells Dave that Hafiz was eliminated and that Leonore had lost 10 kilos, winning the title of the week’s biggest loser. Tony also tells Dave that the blue team lost the weigh-in by 2 kilos. Dave is shocked and speechless, until Hafiz finally appears behind him and the truth is revealed. Dave is ecstatic and extremely proud of the blue team for coming out on top. Their massive weight loss that the team collectively made makes Dave extremely happy that all their hard work paid off. While Dave urges the blue team to be diligent in their training, he also warns his team against getting overly cocky and confident with their win.

Back at the villa, after a day of rigorous training with Kristy and the rest of the red team, Carlos makes a Skype call to check on his wife back home in the Philippines. He is soon dealt with an emotional surprise, discovering that his wife is pregnant with their first child. Overjoyed and bursting with excitement, Carlos breaks the good news to everyone at the house and vows to take home what he learns at the Biggest Loser competition, and continue to instill healthy values and a positive way of life for his future family. Meanwhile, Tony has a grand idea. “You should name your child Kilo," he says.
At this week’s challenge, the contestants find themselves having to dodge paintball bullets while a member of the opposing team aims for the kill. The team with the least amount of paintball hits, wins. Fighting strong, the blue team proves to be quite the marksmen as they eventually win with a score of 5 hits to 1, earning themselves a fun filled bowling reward at “A Famosa’s Cowboy Town”.

The unlucky red team however, returns home to find a penalty waiting. They are made to clean up their villa, including the blue team’s side. While the blue team enjoy their reward, and continue to boost team morale, the red team is unwillingly forced to make the beds of the blue team members back at the villa.

Having lost the previous weigh-in, the red team go into a last chance workout, with the strong determination to burn as many calories as possible for the upcoming weigh-in. One member unfortunately seems to be lagging behind. Struggling to keep up with the rest of her teammates, Rashmi seems to be slowing down due to knee problems. This does not impress the red team or Kristy and Rashmi soon finds herself a moving target for elimination if the red team loses the weigh-in.
Hoping to repeat their previous week’s big numbers at the weigh in, the blue team decides to sit out their two smallest contestants, Damietha and Leonore. Their weight loss results turn out to be 3 kilos for Damietha and 2 for Leonore.
However, the blue team soon realise that the numbers aren’t quite as high as they had hoped. Hafiz, under the pressure of being the biggest loser the previous week with a whopping 14 kilos lost, only loses 4 this week. While disappointed by Hafiz’s lower number, Aaron’s opinion soon diminishes when he realises that his own results aren’t any better, with a weight loss of only 3 kilos. Aaron explains his initial frustrations, “I kind of feel disappointed, but at the same time if Hafiz only loses 4, for me, 3 is not bad!”
“King David” steps up with a satisfactory weight loss of 4 kilos, and Marilyn meets David’s numbers with a similar result of 4 kilos. Martha is the second to last person from the blue team to step up on the scales and reveals a 2-kilo weight loss. The Blue team’s total weight loss now stands at 17 kilos lost.
For the red team, both Nadia and Christine lose an even 2 kilos each, and a surprise result from Rashmi, despite her aching knees, contributes a 3-kilo weight loss for her team. Garry also loses 3 kilos and expresses his satisfaction in losing a total of 10 kilos in 2 week: “If you put the 3 kilos to what I’ve already lost, I’ve lost 10 kilos! I haven’t lost that since my wallet got nicked!” It is Kevin’s turn to step up on the scales but he only manages to pull a 3 kilo weight loss, world’s apart from his previous week’s loss of 12 kilos. Carlos is the final red team member to step up on the scales and proves to be the biggest loser of the week with a 5-kilo weight loss. The score now stands at 18 kilos lost for the red team and 17 kilos for the blue.
Tony is the last man to step on the scales. He needs to lose 2 kilos to win it for the Blue team, a feat that almost everyone on his team is confident of, especially after Tony’s 10-kilo weight loss the previous week. And as the red team feels all hope slipping away, they gasp in relief when the scales eventually reveal that Tony’s total weight loss for the week is 0 kilos!
The red team celebrate their first victory and are exhilarated at narrowly winning the weigh-in with a total week’s weight loss of 18 kilos, while the blue team loses 17 kilos. Tony is left speechless and embarrassed. He and the rest of his team are now forced to deliberate who from the blue team must be sent home. A few members of the team are concerned for whether or not they’re safe: Tony, for losing 0 kilos at the weigh-in and Damietha, who despite losing 3 kilos, knows that her ankle injury is slowing her down. The team agrees that whatever the outcome, the voting will be done with integrity and that it should not be taken personally.
At elimination, David’s vote is the first to be revealed. He chooses Goddess. Tony is the next to vote and decides that because he did not lose any weight at the weigh-in, he will not vote for anyone but himself. Sarimah reminds Tony that this is the first time in Biggest Loser history that anyone has ever voted for himself, but Tony stands by his decision. Next in line to vote is Damietha, she votes for Goddess. The favour is then returned as Goddess votes for Damietha.
It is halfway through elimination, and the votes stand at 2 votes for Goddess, 1 vote for Damietha, and 1 vote for Tony. The following two deciding votes, made by Martha and Aaron, end up both being for Goddess. Goddess’ fate in the competition, is now sealed. The team decides that she is not putting in as much effort into training as everyone else has been, and feels that it is her time to go. Aaron sums up the teams sentiments on voting for Goddess, “As much as results are important, what I put higher than that is the effort that the individual puts into trying to lose that weight, that is why I have chosen this person.”
In a surprising turn of events, Goddess has an intense, emotional blow up at her teammates and starts venting her frustrations on feeling like the outcast from day 1. She claims she has been voted off because it is based on a popularity vote and accuses the team of deliberately alienating her. Sarimah eventually interrupts what seems to be an endless conversation and asks Goddess to leave. In the parting words of Leonore “Goddess” Llamas: “I knew this was going to be a popularity vote, not based on performance… blue team, if you guys lose, you’ll know one of the reasons why, you voted the wrong girl out too early.”
With 13 contestants remaining, who will be Asia’s First Biggest Loser?
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