The Blue Team tells their trainer Dave that they lost the weigh-in by 3 kilos, and were made to eliminate Damietta. Despite losing a friend and a teammate, David expresses that “Damietta was the emotional fat of the team, and the whole Blue family decided to cut her off”.
Dave tries to lift the spirits of his team, acknowledging that they have all achieved tremendous weight-loss results so far. But with Tony still in the hospital recovering from a case of kidney stones, his fate in the competition remains uncertain, leaving the Blue Team with mixed emotions.
Meanwhile, the Red Team celebrates their win with Kristy, knowing that for the first time since the start of the competition, the teams are even in numbers.
It’s now 5 versus 5 and they are at the halfway point of the competition. Dave decides to bring in a dieticianto answer any questions the contestants may have about their food intake.
Rashmi reveals to the dietician that she has lost the least amount of weight compared to the others, and is worried about her consistently low weight loss. She wonders if it has anything to do with her new diet. Questioning her position on the Red Team, Rashmi admits, “I don’t think that they would like to keep anybody around who is having problems losing weight.”
Aware of the team’s concerns over Tony’s health, Dave decides to check on his condition at the hospital. When he enters Tony’s hospital room though, even Dave is surprised at Tony’s physical state. “I was pretty shocked. He did not look good.”
A very weak Tony explains that he has two kidney stones. One of is so large, it needed to be blasted into smaller pieces in order to be released from the body. But this can only take place after the smaller stone passes out first. Despite being in a lot of pain, Tony is also very worried about whether or not he can re-join the game. But Dave reminds him that his health should be his first priority. “If you don’t have health, you don’t have anything.”

Meanwhile Kristy is dealing with a dilemma of her own. The girls on the Red Team continue to show a lack of commitment in training, especially Christine in particular. Kristy finds herself struggling to convince a tired Christine to get out of bed in the morning. Complaining of a sore knee, Christine manages to get herself to the gym but is not putting in as much effort as the others. Carlo notices this too, and agrees that “Christine is giving up on training a bit too easily... She’s got to put in 150% otherwise this competition is going to spit her out.”
After returning from the hospital, Dave informs his team that Tony is receiving world class treatment, and that he does not want them to worry about him. Tony however has one request, that the Blues kick ass at the next weigh-in. And in order to fulfill that request, Dave will be training the Blue Team harder than ever before.
“I am turning the Blue Team into a Ferrari. And there’s only one way to drive a Ferrari. You got to drive it hard and fast.” The intensity of the workout sessions, leads David to believe that, “(Dave) Nuku has gone a little bit cuckoo. We train like 4-5 hours every session, that’s like 8-10 hours a day. Sometimes I just want to punch him.”
At the challenge, the contestants are shocked to learn that they will be competing against each other in a dance off! The doors suddenly slam open, and students from The Melaka International School quickly rush in. Upon realizing that these children are the judges, Aaron and the others are in utter disbelief.
“Oh no, public humiliation at its best. I mean here you have 90 kids saying when I grow up; I definitely do not want to be like him”.

Nadia from the Red Team and Martha from the Blue Team are first to compete. And while both girls try their best to shake their booty, it is Martha’s hip hop dance moves that gives the Blues an early lead. Christine and Hafiz are next to battle it out, as the others watch on in anticipation knowing that Hafiz has a huge crush on Christine. The music starts and Christine soon realizes that she is unable to keep up, because “Hafiz has every dance move in the book, and the crowd was going wild.”
That’s now 2 points for the Blue Team and zero for the Reds, so it’s up to Kevin to try and turn things around. Kevin quickly wins the crowd over with his energetic dance moves and leg lifts, securing 1 point for the Red Team.
And just when it looked like Aaron was about to walk away with another point for the Blues, Rashmi whips up some powerful step aerobics to level the score at 2-2.

It’s now down to David and Carlo. Right from the get-go King David has the right moves, jumping off the stage to work the crowd. He completely overshadows Carlo, a man with two left feet. The dance off challenge ends 3-2 in favour of the Blues, who win the relieving reward of spending the rest of the day getting pampered at Afamosa’s Angelic Massage.
Later in training, Kevin appears to be in a very bad mood. He is not acting his usual cheerful self, which concerns Kristy. After going through his food intake for the day, Kristy realizes that Kevin has not eaten enough because he chose to take a long nap in the afternoon. Furious with his actions, Kristy warns him, “I don’t want to have this conversation with you again about prioritizing your food.” She also reminds Kevin about the last time he went into hypoglycaemic shock and was taken to the hospital. But after getting some sugar into his system, Kevin is back to normal self, singing and dancing.
The next day, while Dave is introducing a series of books he developed for Fitness First called the “Body First” guide, Tony makes a surprise return from the hospital, much to the delight of the Blue Team. But at the weigh-in he finds out that he has gained 2 kilos, “Being in the hospital for 7 days, I knew that I had put on weight because with being ill the whole week, I must have drank 20-30 litres of water. I just hope that the Blue Team, they take it okay.” Fortunately since he has been out of the competition for a week, Tony’s weight gain will not be factored into his team’s total.

Kevin is the first member on the Red Team to be weighed-in, and loses 3 kilos. Aaron is next to step on the scales, and is very disappointed with his 2 kilogram loss. The number 2 seems to be the magic number at this weigh-in, because Nadia, Martha and Christine all follow suit. Marilyn who is usually very consistent in her weight-loss, only loses 1 kilo, meaning the Blue Team is trailing the Reds by 2 kilograms. Rashmi is next to weigh-in, she has lost the least amount of weight compared to everyone in the competition. And her teammates are anxious to find out if she’s lost any weight this week. Rashmi pulls a solid 2 kilogram loss, just like the rest of the girls on the Red Team.
Hafiz steps up and adds another 3 kilograms to the Blue Team’s total, but the Reds are still leading by 1 kilogram. With only 2 more members to be weighed in, once again it all comes down to Carlo and David. It’s still anyone’s game at this point.
Knowing how hard he has worked in the gym, Carlo slowly but confidently steps up to the scale. But his confidence is shattered when he only sees a 2 kilogram loss pop up on the screen. King David is the last man standing, and he needs to lose 4 kilos to win it for the Blues. And he does it! David loses exactly 4 kilos, and is crowned the Biggest Loser for the second week in a row. The blues win by just 1 kilo, leaving the reds heartbroken.
The Red team are now forced to decide who is weighing their team down. While deliberating at the villa, Christine’s drive and motivation is questioned. The incident earlier in the week, when she could not get out of bed, is brought up again and continues to haunt her. Nadia and Rashmi take this opportunity to launch an attack on Christine, while fellow Filipino Carlo is torn on whom to vote out. Meanwhile in the Blue villa, Hafiz is worried sick that Christine may possibly be going home tonight. His feelings for her begin to take over.
Seated next to each other in the elimination room, Rashmi and Christine both vote for one another. Nadia is next to reveal her vote. She has written Christine’s name down. It is now 2 votes for Christine and 1 vote for Rashmi, and the two remaining members to reveal their votes, happen to be Filipino. Christine has an ounce of hope if her Filipino alliance stays loyal, otherwise, with just one more vote against her, she will be forced to pack her bags.
Kevin votes for Rashmi, with the reason behind his decision is due to her low weight-loss. Rashmi and Christine now have 2 votes each. Sarimah informs them, that if there’s a tie, then the Blue Team will decide the vote for them. So it all comes down to Carlo, who decides that Rashmi is their weakest link.
Rashmi quietly accepts her team’s decision, and leaves the elimination room after informing the Red Team “my journey hasn’t ended, it’s just begun.” Vowing to continue what started when she returns home, Rashmi now believes that “if you put your mind and heart into something, there’s nothing in life that isn’t possible.”
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