The blue team returns from their first trip to the elimination room, still recovering from the night’s verbal showdown with Goddess, who was coted off the team. Now, they are even more convinced that they made the right decision to vote her off and are relieved that she is gone. The next morning, Dave arrives at the villa to find out that the blue team has eliminated Goddess. The team tells him that they lost the weigh-in by only 1 kilo and that Tony lost 0 kilos that week.
While Dave is disappointed that the blue team has lost the weigh-in, and urges the blues to work even harder this coming week, he tells Tony not to worry about his lack of weight loss and assures Tony that it does not reflect on his efforts in the gym. Dave reminds them to pull out all the stops or risk losing another weigh-in.
"We’re gonna need to train harder. You’ve seen how close this game can come. A 1 kilo difference, that’s the difference between success and failure,” he warns them.
Meanwhile, Kristy is thrilled to see her red team still fully intact, and is overjoyed by the reds at finally winning something. She does little to contain her emotions and runs to hug every single member of the team. While still beaming with pride, Kristy reminds the team that the competition has only just begun, and that things will be heating up in the weeks to come.

“Going into this week, we still don’t let that rest on your laurels, we can’t sit back, we can’t get complacent, every workout we have to hit the mark,” she tells everyone. With new found confidence and added motivation, the red team start off training on a positive note with the hopes that things have finally turned around for them.
Having lost the weigh-in, Dave ups the ante on training and pushes the blue team even harder. He introduces the TRX workout that uses a person’s own body weight in a resistance training regime. Dave is encouraged at the progress of each blue team member and is hopeful that the success of this week’s training will eventually prove itself in the weigh-in.
Despite a more confident red team, Kristy is concerned at the amount of effort that the women in red are putting into training.
“Christine does what she has to do to get by, I call it the B.A.M., the Bare Arse Minimum.”
While sruggling to motivate Christine, Kristy also deals with Nadia, who “is afraid to push herself too much” as well as a Rashmi who “never tries hard enough.”
Back at the the villa, Kristy introduces both the blue and red team members to a valuable tool in the form of the biggestloserclub.asia website, where one can calculate the amount of calories consumed by a person, and the amount of calories being worked off on a daily basis. The session proves to be quite insightful as the contestants find out for the first time, how many calories their favourite junk foods really carry. This makes many think twice in chowing down their favourite fast food ever again.

At this week’s challenge, contestants arrive at an empty road where the sound of a gong anounces Sarimah’s big entrance. She arrives accompanied by both trainers Dave and Kristy, each riding colourfully decorated, traditional Malacca trishaws down the street. The contestants are told that each team will pick 4 riders, 2 male and 2 female members to compete in this challenge. Each contestant will take turns to ride 200 metres down a stretch of road and make a u-turn before returning back to the finishing line to hand off to the next team member. The fastest team to finish, wins. The contestants also find out that their trainers will ride with them as passengers and to provide moral support.
The race starts off with the reds taking an early lead, and Kristy serves as a highly energetic motivator for the red team. Tensions build halfway through the challenge when Carlo claims that the blue team is not starting at the official starting point, and King David, annoyed by Carlo’s comments, throws a water bottle to the ground in anger. Tony apologises to Carlo for David’s blow up and both teams bring their focus back to the race.

The red team is still in the lead and it is down to the 4th and final rider for the red team. Rashmi takes over from Garry, but as Rashmi struggles to gain control of her trishaw, Martha returns to handover to Hafiz, ready to take over for the final round. It does not take long before the blue team takes over the lead, whizzing past the red team and Kristy, who is now screaming at Rashmi in frustration at having lost the lead. The red team’s hopes are dashed when Kristy soon realises that the bicycle chain has fallen off, while Hafiz makes his victory ride towards the finish line. The blue team comes from behind to win the challenge and as a reward, a Halloween celebration at “A Famosa’s Cowboy Town”.
The next day at the blue villa, Damietta lies in bed, unwell and suffering from a high fever. Despite taking medication and getting a dose of antibiotics from the doctor the night before, her condition still does not improve. The doctor becomes concerned that Damietta could be suffering from Dengue fever and decides that it is best to send her to the hospital for a blood test.

Meanwhile, the blue team and red team come together for a never-been-done-before last chance workout,. The contestants are made to “get down and dirty”, in a rigourous bootcamp-style training in the mud and rain. Focused and determined, the contestants bite their toungues to go through the sweat and pain of last chance workout, in anticipation of the upcoming weigh-in.
It is weigh-in day, and since Damietta still has not returned from the hospital, she is automatically excluded from the weigh-in, evening out the numbers between the blues and reds.
Christine is the first to step up on the scales and starts the weight-loss-ball rolling with a 4 kilo weight loss for the red team. Martha steps up next for the blues and evens the score out for the blue team with a 4 kilo weight loss as well.
It is Garry’s turn to step up on the scale next, and takes the red team’s score up by a weight loss of another 4 kilos. The blues hope Hafiz will break the 4-kilo trend with a higher weight loss but he also loses 4 kilos for the week, bringing the score to an even 8-8. Carlo steps up next for the reds and ends the 4 kilo weight loss trend with a disappointing 2 kilos lost. The blue team however, remain consistent when Marilyn steps up and contributes another 4 kilo weight loss for the blue team.
Nadia pulls a slightly bigger number with 5 kilos loss, giving the red team a 3 kilo lead at 15 kilos. King David however proves a worthy match-up as he meets Nadia’s score with another 5 kilos lost. At 17 for the blues and 15 for the reds, the competition is still anyone’s game, as Rashmi steps up in the hopes of catching up to the blue teams score, but unfortunately she shows a weak 2 kilo weight loss, bringing the reds to a mere tie with the blue team at 17-17.
Aaron proves to be a strong contender for the blues, and pulls another 5 kilo weight loss to bring the blue team ahead with a score of 22 for the blues and 17 for the reds. Kevin is the only red team member left to be weighed-in, and the heat is on to bring the reds into a comfortable lead, before Tony, also the last man standing, weighs-in for the reds.
Kevin pulls a score of 6 kilos, barely taking the reds ahead of the game at a score of 23 for the reds and 22 for the blues. All eyes are on Tony, whose weight loss will decide the fate of the blues. He needs to lose only 2 kilos to win it for the blues but is still affected by his 0 kilo loss the last week, Tony steps up on the scales, unsure of himself, hoping that history doesn’t repeat itself.
This week turns out to be quite different from the last and with a weight loss of 5 kilos, the blue team secure a win with a final score of 27-23, sending the reds to the elimination room once again.
While deliberating at the villa, Garry confronts some of his red team members who have already decided to vote him out. The women of the red team, Nadia, Rashmi and Christine are convinced that Garry is two-faced and has talked behind their backs about his fellow red team members. Garry however defends himself in a last ditch effort to plead for his place in the red team, claiming that the accusations are lies and that he has been “played” by Rashmi who started the rumours. Garry also brings up the Philippino alliance and argues that the alliance has to be broken if any of the other non phillipino red team members want a chance in the game, but Carlo is quick to respond, that despite looking out for his fellow Pinoys, “there are no free rides in this red house, if we don’t pull calories, if we don’t put in the performances then that has to be addressed.” Rashmi, is also concerned of her place in the red team, knowing that it was her fault that the red team lost the challenge and that she has proven to be the weakest member. The red team also know that if they vote Garry out, they will lose a strong member who is much needed in order to take on the blue team.
The red team head to elimination faced with a tough decision to make, to eliminate the strong two-faced member, or the weakest. Carlo’s vote is the first to be revealed. He votes for Rashmi, knowing that the red team needs Garry to have a fighting chance in the competition. Nadia votes next, she reveals that she has voted for Garry and explains her decision teary-eyed and emotional “he’s funny, he brings life, he’s the heart of the red team, but along the way, I suppose, he’s just changed.” Garry votes for Rashmi based on losing the challenge and the deed is returned by Rashmi voting for Garry. The votes now stand at 2 votes for Rashmi and 2 votes for Garry. However, Christine bands with the women’s decision to vote Garry off “hate the game not the player, that’s what I say”, as she reveals her vote, bringing the score to 3 votes for Garry to 2 votes for Rashmi.
It is now up to Kevin to decide who goes home and in a surprise twist, Kevin votes for neither Garry nor Rashmi, but for Nadia, claiming that his decision is based on her lack of focus in the gym. The 3 votes against Garry is enough to send him packing, leaving the red team another man down.
Garry tries to take his elimination in good stride and jokes “I’ve had a great start, I keep saying it, I saw my willy for the first time, it’s pretty useful after 20 years!” and leaves the red team with his blessings. Garry laments “Being in this competition has certainly started to change my life…I’m leaving now on my own journey, I wanted to make my wife’s jaw absoulutely drop, but unfortunately it’s too early to have the whole impact.” With 11 contestants remaining, who will be Asia’s First Biggest Loser?
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